Beginner GuitaristClassical Guitar Method
The Beginner Guitarist has been born out of 20 years of teaching experience. Although specifically designed as a teacher’s aid, it can also be used for independent study. Topics like posture, tuning and phrasing are not prescribed, being left to the judgement of the teacher. With the exception of right and left-hand fingering advice, this approach is used throughout the series. The entire series has the goal of being a measured and progressive tutor. Ideas are usually introduced one at a time to avoid overloading the student. Basic right-hand technique is the foundation of the early part of Book One. The ability to strike the string effectively and produce a clear sound is paramount. Left-hand technique is then addressed with notes on the top three strings in first position. Use of the thumb is also covered briefly. Light relief comes in the form of small amounts of glissando and percussive work. Dynamics are then introduced onto a stable base of notes, followed by accidentals (key of G). This all-color book is rounded off with chords and arpeggios, giving the student a chance to ‘swap seats’ with the teacher and play the role of accompanist. Elsewhere the teacher may accompany the pupil with the suggested chords, either playing the root note or the full voicings as notated. A daily practice session for the completion of Book One, extra repertoire and other helpful information are all available at