Hans Hoyer 6801 Kruspe Style F調 / 降B調雙調性法國號
The Hans Hoyer 6801 Heritage Series French Horns are for the advancing students and professionals who are looking for the large dark “studio” sound without compromising control. The design was developed in close cooperation with some of the most influential and renowned artists in the world.
- F/Bb調
- Heritage型號
- 0.468寸/11.90毫米管徑
- 12.204寸/310毫米喇叭口徑
- 輕型迴轉式閥鍵組 3B連接系統
- 黃銅管身,金銅吹口管,手工鍛造加大喉徑喇叭口,可調節大拇指鍵連桿,額外設符合歐洲琴的主調音管
- 清亮漆
- 物料: 黃銅 (6801A) / 鎳銀 (6801NSA)
- 吹嘴、旋轉活塞潤滑油、拉管潤滑油脂、樂器螺絲調較工具、清潔布、輕型背包