The Rockschool Guitar Method – Popular Guitar For Beginners
- The Rockschool Guitar Method will give you everything you need to know to get started playing the Guitar, learn the essentials so you can get seriously good, seriously fast. With over 100 audio tracks, quick guide videos and 12 lessons in 6 different styles, you ll be playing before you know it.
- Over 1 hour of downloadable video and audio content.
- Instrument quick guide what everything s called, how it works and everything in-between!
- How to read music learn how to read music quickly and simply.
- 12x lessons in 6 different styles each lesson includes audio andvideo tuition.
- 6 pieces, 6 varying styles put your skills to the test with 6 kick ass pieces.
- Play – Rock, Pop, Indie, Metal, Hip Hop and Country.
- 120 audio tracks supporting audio for every musical example and piece.
- Video lessons on getting started and key techniques
- Quiz put your skills to the test with the interactive quizzes.
- Dropcard instantly download the accompanying audio and video hassle free!
- The basics of music notation & your instrument.
- Rock, Pop, Metal, Country, Indie and Hip Hop.
- Simple chords, melodies and riffs.
- Book Features:
- What you ll learn: