Sharon Choi 蔡淑汶 – Imagery 心像
Composed by Sharon Choi 蔡淑汶
Cover design by Jaymee Wat and Brian Chan
Imagery is a collection of 25 piano pieces which combines Classical techniques with modern styles. Each piece has a picturesque title that evokes musical imagination. These pieces are suitable for early intermediate to late intermediate level piano players.
《心像》曲集的樂曲以現代化的曲風為主,特別是第 20 首至第 25 首的樂曲。除了風格之外,在創作技巧和表建手法上,我也作了一些新的管試,希望你會喜歡!
Piano pieces from Imagery are mainly in modern styles, especially from no. 20 to no. 25. Besides musical styles, I also experimented with different compositional techniques and musical expressions in this album. I hope you will like them!
I also hope that these pieces can inspire the players’ (or the listeners*) visual imagination- it could be a memory or a storyline, just like a scene from a movie. I believe linking hearing with vision will enhance musical expression and sensibility.
Let us encourage each other!
Dot & Line 點與線
Cycle 循環
Dear May 親愛的五月
Melancholy 愁緒
The Soloist 獨唱者
Exotic Night 異國之夜
Water Fairy 水仙子
Black Cat 黑貓
Unicom’s Dreamland 獨角獸的夢幻世界
Special Task 特別任務
A Day in Brazil 在巴西的一天
Morning Dewdrop 朝露
A Journey to the Space 太空之旅
Rosemary Waltz 迷迭香圓舞曲
Cyber City 網絡城市
At Home 在家
Never Look Back 不再回頭
An Old Temple 古廟
Reverie 夢
Once Upon a Time 從前
I See the Light Over There 我看到遠處的一點光
Ride on the Wave 乘風破浪
You & Me 我跟你
The Thunderstorm 風雲變色
A Wish 願望
Format: 228 x 302 mm 48 pages