Showing 1–12 of 23 results

BG France A32F 長笛清潔拉布 Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $104.99.Current price is: $31.50.
BG France A32F 長笛清潔拉布 Soft microfiber swab with high absorption capacity to clean the inside of the instrument. BG swabs

BG France A32FK 長笛管身及吹咀清潔抹布 Sale

Original price was: $154.99.Current price is: $46.50.
BG France A32FK 長笛管身及吹咀清潔抹布 Soft microfiber pouch swab with high absorption capacity to clean the inside of the body of

BG France A39K 短笛清潔拉布 on Sale

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $28.50.
BG France A39K 短笛清潔拉布 Soft microfiber with high absorption capacity to clean the inside of the body and head joint

BG France A62 樂器清潔抹布 Hot on Sale

Original price was: $85.00.Current price is: $25.50.
BG France A62 樂器清潔抹布 Microfiber universal care cloth to keep the outside of instruments clean. BG’s Microfiber care cloth absorb

BG France A65U 木管樂器鍵墊清潔吸水布條 Discount

Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $14.00.
BG France A65U 木管樂器鍵墊清潔吸水布條 – Quickly absorbs moisture underneath pads – Designed for Clarinet, Oboe, Flute, Bassoon – Leaves no

Edgware 按鍵及旋轉活塞潤滑油, 30毫升 Fashion

Original price was: $86.00.Current price is: $25.80.
Edgware 按鍵及旋轉活塞潤滑油, 30毫升 Manufactured in the UK from all-natural ingredients, this lightweight, long-lasting key and rotor oil is made from

Hercules DS562BB 中音長笛架 Fashion

Original price was: $174.99.Current price is: $52.50.
Hercules DS562BB 中音長笛架 The HERCULES Alto Flute Stand DS562BB sets up easily and is safe and secure. It includes a

Hercules TravLite 系列 DS460B 可置入式長笛架 Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $134.99.Current price is: $40.50.
Hercules TravLite 系列 DS460B 可置入式長笛架 The HERCULES TravLite Flute Stand DS460B one piece design folds and stores easily and conveniently

Hercules TravLite 系列 DS461B 可置入式長笛架 (B尾管) Discount

Original price was: $134.99.Current price is: $40.50.
Hercules TravLite 系列 DS461B 可置入式長笛架 (B尾管) The HERCULES TravLite Low-B foot Flute Stand DS461B one piece design folds and stores

K&M 15232 長笛架 Online now

Original price was: $134.99.Current price is: $40.50.
K&M 15232 長笛架 Unique, compact and extremely light flute stand with 4-leg base for Böhm flutes and/or cross flutes. Plastic

Lungentrainer Breath Builder Fashion

Original price was: $234.99.Current price is: $70.50.
Lungentrainer Breath Builder The Breath Builder is a breathing training device for optimizing breathing capacity, particularly suitable for wind musicians

Superslick Steri-Spray 清潔消毒噴霧 (適用於樂器及吹咀表面) Discount

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.50.
Superslick Steri-Spray 清潔消毒噴霧 (適用於樂器及吹咀表面) 2安士噴霧樽裝 美國品牌 不含酒精成份及氣味 內含季銨鹽 (Quaternary Ammonium), 在物體表面上噴灑,約10分鐘後,用軟布擦乾或用水擦拭,可有效對抗細菌病毒 可於硬質及無孔表面上使用,包括吹咀、樂器、譜架等 請避免直接使用於木、水松、鍵墊等會吸濕的部份上