Showing 1–12 of 131 results

Adams Academy 系列 XS2LD35 3.5 個八度桌上木琴, 連X型琴架 on Sale

Original price was: $9,904.99.Current price is: $2,971.50.
Adams Academy 系列 XS2LD35 3.5 個八度桌上木琴, 連X型琴架 桌上木琴升級優惠計劃 現凡於通利琴行購買指定敲擊樂套裝,兩年內升級換購指定 Fujiyama / Majestic / Adams 3.5 個八度或以上的桌上木琴,即享港幣 $500 折扣優惠。(只限於門市升級換購) 現凡於通利琴行購買任何 Fujiyama / Majestic

Altus Handmade 系列 A12 925純銀長笛 Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
Altus Handmade 系列 A12 925純銀長笛 The handmade drawn tone hole silver flutes are introduction models that feature lighter weight and

Altus Handmade 系列 A14 925純銀長笛 Discount

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
Altus Handmade 系列 A14 925純銀長笛 The handmade drawn tone hole silver flutes are introduction models that feature lighter weight and

Altus Standard 系列 A10 925純銀長笛 Fashion

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
Altus Standard 系列 A10 925純銀長笛 Standard Series serves as the perfect introduction to Altus’s art and technology in decades of

Altus Standard 系列 A11 958 Britannia 純銀長笛 Online

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
Altus Standard 系列 A11 958 Britannia 純銀長笛 Standard Series serves as the perfect introduction to Altus’s art and technology in

Altus Standard 系列 A9 鍍銀長笛, 958 Britannia 純銀笛頭 Fashion

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
Altus Standard 系列 A9 鍍銀長笛, 958 Britannia 純銀笛頭 Standard Series serves as the perfect introduction to Altus’s art and technology

Buffet Crampon BC8101 中音色士風 on Sale

Original price was: $6,804.99.Current price is: $2,041.50.
Buffet Crampon BC8101 中音色士風 The 100 Series alto saxophones provide students with superior quality with affordable price. The importance of

Buffet Crampon DIVINE 降B調單簧管 (由 Buffet 藝術家 Mr. Florent Héau 挑選) Supply

Original price was: $56,504.99.Current price is: $16,951.50.
Buffet Crampon DIVINE 降B調單簧管 (由 Buffet 藝術家 Mr. Florent Héau 挑選) This Divine Bb Clarinet is specially selected by Buffet Crampon

Buffet Crampon DIVINE 降B調單簧管 Discount

Original price was: $55,004.99.Current price is: $16,501.50.
Buffet Crampon DIVINE 降B調單簧管 不斷探索和追求創新是非常嚴謹而偉大的過程。布菲集團和國際著名的單簧管藝術家保羅•梅耶在聲學上協作研究,誕生了布菲集團DIVINE系列單簧管。 此款樂器的設計沿用了TOSCA的音孔鍵位設計,使各個音域發音完美呈現。 革新設計的內膛使音樂變化更加自由靈活,部分難以控制音區的演奏更加流暢自如。Divine Bb單簧管提供65mm(442hz)和66mm(440hz)兩個調節管。 Divine的上管採用頂級的天然烏木和特別設計的Green line音孔,很大程度上減少了漏氣和音孔開裂的問題。 布菲專利的碳絲環箍替代了原本接口處的金屬環箍,減少了單簧管自身的重量(60g)的同時完美平衡了音色,使管身震動更加充分、吹奏更靈動流暢。Divine和TOSCA系列一樣配備了低音F 修正鍵。 新按鍵按照人體工程學原理設計,提高了單簧管吹奏時的穩定性和統一性。鑒於Tosca系列的內膛設計是建立在R13型號基礎上的,Divine系列則採用了最新設計的歐式內膛。 這是布菲集團在單簧管制作上又一歷史性的進步,這款樂器是法國管樂制造業頂級專業技術和無與倫比的制造工藝的完美融合。  DIVINE BC1160L-2-0 specifications: Key : Bb Pitch : 440/442

Buffet Crampon E13 降B調單簧管 Online now

Original price was: $13,004.99.Current price is: $3,901.50.
Buffet Crampon E13 降B調單簧管 The name E13 is legendary for a clarinet that has never changed in 40 years. With

Buffet Crampon GALA 降B調單簧管 Discount

Original price was: $25,004.99.Current price is: $7,501.50.
Buffet Crampon GALA 降B調單簧管 The creation of the Legend and Tradition clarinets in 2017 gave rise to a new family

Buffet Crampon LÉGENDE 降B調單簧管 (由 Buffet 藝術家 Mr. Florent Héau 挑選) Fashion

Original price was: $54,504.99.Current price is: $16,351.50.
Buffet Crampon LÉGENDE 降B調單簧管 (由 Buffet 藝術家 Mr. Florent Héau 挑選) This Légende Bb Clarinet is specially selected by Buffet