大人初學人氣歌曲鋼琴樂譜集:J-POP歌精選大全集 First Adult Piano J-POP Collection
First Adult Piano J-POP Collection
對於想開始彈鋼琴的人來說,這是第一本成人鋼琴曲集。 它有大而易讀的樂譜和帶有註音假名的音符名稱,並且以易於理解的方式排列,以便左手可以演奏一個音符。 這是流行的 JPOP 歌曲的完整集合,從經典歌曲到最新歌曲。
This piano song book is for those who want to start piano, and adults who want to have their hands first.
It has a large and easy-to-read music surface and a sound name, and the left hand is gently curved so that it can be played as much as possible.
From classic songs to the latest songs, this is a large collection of popular J-POP.
52 songs in total.