(#88 Anthem) 聖頌選集 (3) – 基督,我們尊崇你
1. 讚美主,因主為至聖
O, Praise God in His Holiness| Armstrong Gibbs
2. 同來屈身敬拜主
Let Us Worship and Fall Down| Healey Willan
3. 求主助我
Help Me, O Lord| Thomas Arne
4. 親來品嘗
O Taste and See| R. Vaughan Williams
5. 上帝深愛世人
God So Loved the World| Vernon Eville
6. 良善主耶穌
O Bone Jesu| Palestrina
7. 聖體頌
Ave Verum Corpus| W. A. Mozart
8. 阿利路亞!基督已復生
Alleluia! Christ Is Risen| Robert J. Powell
9. 死,毒鈎在哪裏?
Death, Where Is Your Sting? | Lloyd Larson
10. 聖善主宰
Holy, Holy, Holy| F. Schubert
11. 救世天糧
Bread of the World| Jonathan A. Tunk
12. 聖法蘭西斯禱文
Prayer of St. Francis| Allen Pote
13. 三一頌
Doxology| arr. Laura M. White
14. 願主賜福看顧你
The Lord Bless You and Keep You| Peter C. Lukin
15. 基督,我們尊崇祢
Christ, We Do All Adore Thee| Theodore Dubois
ISBN: 978-962-294-642-2