ANISON 動畫神曲 (英中版)
ANISON Kamikyoko Vol 2 Ultimate Japan Anime Song Collection (English and Chinese Version)
動漫神曲鋼琴獨奏系列來了,收錄了有史以來最好的動漫歌曲,讓您充分享受動漫音樂。 這一定是一個讓你玩不完的系列! 享受精選的酷炫而有力的日本動漫歌曲以及出色的鋼琴編曲!
Here comes the Anison Kamikyoku piano solo series, a collection filled with the best anime songs of all time, allowing you to enjoy anime music to the fullest. It is sure to be a series that you can enjoy endlessly! Enjoy a great selection of cool and powerful Japanese anime songs with excellent piano arrangements!
1. ClariS – Connect (魔法少女小圓)
2. ST☆RISH – Maji Love Revolutions (歌之王子殿下)
3. FripSide – LEVEL 5 -judgelight- (科學超電磁砲)
4. 水樹奈奈× T.M.Revolution – Kakumei Dualism (革命機Valvrave)
5. 坂本真綾 – Platinum (百變小櫻)
6. Lisa – oath sign (Fate/Zero)
7. Aimer – ninelie (甲鐵城的卡巴內里)
8. EGOIST – Namae no nai Kaibutsu (PSYCHO-PASS 心靈判官)
9. 伊東歌詞太郎 – Hyakka Ryouran (活擊/刀劍亂舞)
10. Pride Kakumei (銀魂)
11. Onegai! Cinderella (偶像大師 THE IDOLM@STER)
12. 伊藤香奈子 – Hacking to the Gate (STEINS:GATE)
13. SPYAIR – I’m a Believer (排球少年!!)
14. 凜冽時雨 – unravel (東京喰種)