Happy Gabby Jams with Animals
加入Happy Gabby的盛大動物歷險記,同動物們一起夾歌狂歡!
《Happy Gabby’s Grand Animal Adventures》和《Happy Gabby Jams with Animals》包括整套法國作曲家卡米爾·聖桑的動物狂歡節。
關於Happy Gabby
Happy Gabby 就如存在每個人心裡的小孩,對閱讀、音樂和文化充滿著好奇心。
Happy Gabby 音樂童書系列為熱愛音樂的家庭而設,旨在與不同背景的小讀者介紹及分享耳熟能詳而高質素的音樂,為他們正在萌芽的圖書閣增添養份。
Happy Gabby Jams with Animals is based on “The Carnival of the Animals” by Saint-Saëns and includes the entire suite with 14 movements.
If you have children who love animals and dream of talking and playing with them. These books are for them!
Plant a seed of music. Reap a garden of happiness.
LANGUAGE : English
AGE : 0 – 7