PlayTime® Piano Kids’ Songs Level 1
PlayTime® Piano Kids’ Songs is a collection of popular songs that brings special joy to children. The songs are arranged primarily in stationary hand positions. Where the student moves out of position, a circled finger number will help show the change. The books appealing melodies are excellent for reinforcing note names and interval recognition. The simplicity, humor, and charm of the selections will enhance the enjoyment of early piano for students and parents alike.
Song List:
- Bob The Builder (Main Title)
- “C” Is For Cookie
- Ferdinand The Bull
- I Can Be Your Friend
- I Swallowed My Gum!
- Lets Go Fly A Kite
- The Lord Is Good To Me
- M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I
- Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin’
- Scooby Doo Main Title
- Ten Chocolate Cookies