Sharon Choi 蔡淑汶 – Evolution 進化
Composed by Sharon Choi 蔡淑汶
Cover design by Brian Chan 陳兆明
樂譜製作 Yu Wo Terry Lam 林宇和
Evolution is a collection of 25 short piano pieces with programmatic titles. It shows a diversity of meter, keys, tempo, rhythms, emotions and moods. The styles of the pieces include Baroque, Romantic, jazz, contemporary and popular music. These pieces are suitable for early intermediate to late intermediate level piano players.
最後,希望你會喜愛 《進化》這套鋼琴曲集!
Evolution means progress and changes. When designing the name for this album, the word “evolution” immediately came to mind and I used it without second thought.
This word appropriately describes my writing journey of nearly 6 years. At the same time, “evolution” also represents my best wishes to all the music learners!
Each piece in Evolution is a stand-alone work and suitable to play individually.
However, if time permits, try selecting some contrasting pieces, or play all 25 pieces in one sitting (approximately 30 mins). It will be fun and challenging!
To all music lovers, each piece in Evolution is attached with a QR code. You can listen to the whole piece after the scanning process.
Last but not least, I hope you enjoy Evolution!
A Tune on Sunday 星期日曲調
A Sad Story 傷感的故事
Little Prelude in Toccata Style 觸技曲風的小前奏曲
A Child’s Heart 赤子之心
Blue Waltz 藍色圓舞曲
A Walk in the Mountains 山中漫步
Puzzle 謎
Candy Kingdom 糖果王國
Legend 傅說
Galaxy 銀河
Autumn Poem 秋詩
Belief 信念
Mild Wind 柔和的風
Magician’s Life 魔法師的人生
Luna 月亮
Transformation 變形
Volcano 火山
Paysage 景象
That Night 那一夜
Boundless Sky 天蒼著
Beijing Postcards 北京明信片
Monologue 獨白
Spanish Patio 西班牙庭院
Cat’s Dance 貓之舞
From the Heart 從心出發