澤野弘之 人氣歌曲鋼琴精選集 Sawano Hiroyuki Best Hits Piano Collection
澤野弘之 人氣歌曲鋼琴精選集
Sawano Hiroyuki Best Hits Piano Collection
這是從曾為電視劇《入龍》系列、動畫《進擊的巨人》、動畫《進擊的巨人》等眾多配樂作品創作的人氣作曲家澤野弘之的作品中精心挑選的鋼琴獨奏曲集。 《機動戰士鋼彈UC》
This is a collection of piano solo pieces carefully selected from the works of Hiroyuki Sawano, a popular composer who has worked on numerous soundtracks for the drama “Iryu” series, the anime “Attack on Titan,” and the anime “Mobile Suit Gundam UC.”
All recorded in intermediate-level arrangements in original keys.
34 songs in total.